TAG your it: SUCCESS

I have been reading a book by Scott Ginsberg Called “Make a Name For Yourself”. I really love Scott’s Stuff, and his blog is terrific.

In his book, he gives several great tips on ‘Making a Name for Your self’…(hence the name of the book).

I just read tip 10, and it led to this post. Here it is:

Become a Student of Success

Study how people have become “successful”. Tips, strategies, methods, etc. Don’t copy them, but look for ideas you can apply to your life.

He suggests reading books, Googling information, keeping track of successes and failures, and last but not least, Interviewing people.  


No better way to get people to answer questions and spark a conversation than on the blog!

Here are the questions Scott suggests to ask (modified a bit for VO Work)

1. What habits have enabled you to become successful?

2. What habits have blocked you from success?

3. What advice would you give a young VO professional?

4. Whats the best book(s) you have read to help you become successful at what you do?

Obviously “Success” looks different for different people. But I would love to hear your thoughts.

I am specifically going to tag Bob, Joe, Kara, Bobbin, and Peter to get the conversation started!!!!

I would love to learn from you guys n gals! And anyone else who wants to get in on the conversation!!!

16 responses to “TAG your it: SUCCESS

  1. Pingback: Success « The Blography of Joe The Voice Guy

  2. Pingback: Be Aware That It Won’t Happen Overnight… « The Creative Mouthpiece

  3. Pingback: The Voiceover Boblog

  4. Pingback: Persistence, Turning Fear on its Head and The Velveteen Rabbit « The Creative Mouthpiece

  5. Stu- this was fun! My responses are on my blog:
    Thanks for including me!


  6. Pingback: Consistency, A Thick Skin and Continuous Learning « The Creative Mouthpiece

  7. Kara –

    Thanks for taking the time to post!! GREAT STUFF!


  8. Hi Stu,
    Excellent topic. I just received your email this morning on this, and will be publishing my thoughts from the perpective of being a voice talent at my blog shortly. Thank you for tagging me. Now you’re it!
    Bobbin Beam, Voice Actress

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  16. Pingback: Voice Over Success RoundUp « The Creative Mouthpiece

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